Letter from our President

Tami Canale - ELMLE President

Tami Canale

ELMLE President

American School of Budapest

I am honored to welcome you to The Bridge in the Middle, the European League of Middle Level Education blog with a focus on current topics related to middle level teaching and learning.  This platform features speakers and friends of ELMLE who contribute to our year-long professional #ELMLEVirtual community, as well as those who will join us for our in-person conference this year.  As with all things ELMLE, we maintain a focus on the very special age group bridging the space between elementary and high school during these fundamental years while in our care. 

This year’s theme, Bridges was inspired by the view from our workroom in Porto. The golden river of the Duoro separates Porto from Gaia. Five bridges span the golden river of the Duoro which separates Porto from Gaia. These bridges support, connect and balance. And this is the very goal we have each year when we bring together middle level educators from all around Europe, Africa, and Asia.

I welcome you to join us in Port, January 26-28, 2023 for our 37th annual conference Bridges, where this year’s featured speakers and teacher presenters will connect in person.  The event will not only provide inspiring sessions with relevant take-away applications but also will include purposeful time for subject area or topic groups to meet, share, plan and dream together. 

The relationships between students, educators, families and subject area professionals are essential when considering the whole child’s wellness, happiness and learning.  In alignment with ELMLE’s mission, we provide this platform for educators to share and be inspired for continued learning in this important profession.

I invite you to venture into The Bridge in the Middle and thank you for your dedication to supporting the educational, social and emotional path of your middle school students.